Customized Investment Portfolios

The portfolio management process is built upon our experience in manager selection and asset allocation. We focus on blending high quality managers in a customized portfolio that takes into consideration your objectives and tolerance for risk.1

Custom Portfolios

Each portfolio is designed to meet our clients' goals and objectives while reducing risk.

Conservative Approach

We employ modern portfolio theory, asset allocation, and diversification to provide risk-adjusted, tax-efficient investment solutions designed to capitalize on various market cycles.2

Tax Control

Professionally managed, separate accounts provide a level of tax control since clients own the individual securities in their portfolio.3

Portfolio Transparency

Monthly statement reporting and online access allow clients the ability to conveniently monitor their portfolio allocation and transactions.

Cost Control

Our fee-based custom portfolios are carefully blended using a variation of institutional-quality fund managers, mutual funds, select ETFs, and/or alternative investments.4


We design portfolios using managers who demonstrate a consistent, disciplined investment process.
1Fees for advisory programs include Advisory services, performance measurement, transaction costs, custody services and trading. Fees are based on the assets in the account and are assessed quarterly. These fees do not cover the fees and expenses of any underlying exchange traded funds, closed-end funds or mutual funds in the portfolio, which also carry inherent risks related to the product's underlying investments. There are minimum fees and account sizes to maintain these types of accounts. Advisory accounts are not designed for excessively traded or inactive accounts, and may not be suitable for all investors. During periods of lower trading activity, your costs might be lower if our compensation were based on commissions. We need to review your investment objectives, risk tolerance and liquidity needs before we introduce suitable managers/investment programs to you. Please carefully review the Wells Fargo Advisors advisory disclosure document for a full description of our services, including fees and expenses.
2All investing involves some degree of risk, whether it is associated with market volatility, purchasing power or a specific security. There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Asset allocation does not guarantee a profit nor does diversification protect against loss.
3Wells Fargo Advisors is not a tax or legal advisor.
4Alternative investments carry specific investor qualifications which can include high income and net worth requirements as well as relatively high investment minimums. Available to prequalified investors only.